Why is Construction a Dangerous Industry to Work in?

Although there has been a significant fall in the number of deaths and injuries, the construction industry is still one of the most dangerous industries in the UK. According to data released by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), there were 2585 major injuries (such as amputations and burns) in the UK in 2009/2010.

Falling from Height

The most likely cause of a fatality for a construction industry worker is a fall from a height and the other main causes include being struck with a moving or falling object, being hit by a vehicle or being involved in a building collapse. Construction workers also experience a number of other non-fatal accidents and injuries, including injuries to the shoulders, arms, neck and hands. It is up to employers to make sure that all workers are following the right health and safety procedures on the job so that they reduce their risk of death and injury as much as possible.

Reasons for the Danger

Why is the construction industry such a dangerous place to work? There are a number of reasons for the poor safety record of this particular industry, such as:
  • In the past there has been an absence of health and safety leadership in the construction industry, with many employers cutting corners and failing to adhere to health and safety in construction regulations.
  • There is also a high level of self-employment in the industry and these independent contractors might not necessarily have the right training for health and safety procedures.
  • Even in construction firms, sometimes health and safety in construction safety training is not given or is inadequate or out of date.
  • Dangers can also result from using old and deteriorating workplace machinery or equipment, which can malfunction and cause serious and even fatal injuries.

What can employers in the construction industry do to ensure that their workers will be as safe as possible?

One of the most important things is to provide employees with adequate health and safety training so that they know how to carry out their workplace tasks in the safest way possible. Also, employers should be ensuring that their workers are carrying out their tasks with up to date and well maintained equipment so that it will not run the risk of malfunctioning and causing injury.

With the right care and proper procedures implemented on a consistent basis, there is no reason why the construction industry has to be such a dangerous place for employees to work.

Health and Safety in Construction

Health and safety in construction is a serious concern, as this industry is known for its many hazards. Therefore officials and employers must formulate and execute procedures which are designed to protect the safety of their workers.

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