Earn Money as a Child Minder

It is essential to have first aid training if you are responsible for children. Many people are starting their own businesses offering childcare and after school clubs to parents in the UK. As demand for longer working hours and stricter policies placed on single parents increase the demand for affordable childcare is at an all-time high.

If you are looking to start your new career you will need to attend the right childcare courses and gain the approval of OFSTED in order to begin taking on children under your new role.

First aid training is a must. You have the responsibility of being able to care for any child under your care. It’s essential that you know how to respond in an emergency situation and how to spot illnesses and potential diseases.

Finding the Right Childcare Course

The ideal childcare course for anyone looking after children is the First Aid for Child Carers course. It lasts for two days and provides you with the training you need to ensure you have the knowledge and the skills required. The course is fully recognised by the National Child Minders Association as well as the PLA and is perfect for anyone with the appointed person responsibilities. This is also a suitable course for anybody wishing to learn first aid skills in their personal life such as parents.

You will learn numerous skills on the first aid training course. It covers all the basics such as what you will need in your first aid kit as well as the common types of accidents and how they may come about. This is a good way to learn about prevention. You’ll also be taught how to cope in a number of different situations such as:

Management of Fractures

  • Blood loss and shock
  • Burns and scalding
  • Electric shocks
  • Unconscious patients
  • Resuscitation
  • Foreign objects

You’ll also go into reporting and recording incidents and how to recognise diseases which are infectious and other minor illnesses.

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