Meet Your Legal Requirement with Risk Assessment

There are legal requirements which state that each employer and self-employed person has to make risk assessments. The risk assessments are used to help manage and control hazards that can lead to problems with health and safety. If you have five or more employees performing the assessments is not enough, you must also make records.

Risk Assessment Tips

When making an assessment you have to recognise what parts of the job or business may cause harm to people. From there it's necessary to find ways of reducing the risks through control measures.

To do this you will have to:

  1. Spot the risks that can cause harm to people at work
  2. Decide who is most at risk and how they could be hurt
  3. Evaluate the risks, identify how they are being controlled already and find further control measures if possible
  4. If necessary record the risk assessment it's good practice even if it's not a legal requirement
  5. Review your assessment and updating it a regular intervals or times of change in the job

After the assessment has been made you will need to introduce the new control measures to the people affected. This requires excellent communication and may lead to new training, equipment, materials, protective gear and a change in the way the job is performed.

Basic Risk Assessment Courses

Management Courses which Include Risk Assessment

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