How Can You Prevent Fires?

Perform a Fire Risk Assessment

Fires are hazards that must be planned for and prevented. You can achieve this by performing a fire risk assessment and reviewing it frequently. Fire risk assessments are a legal requirement so it is important to know how to perform them adequately. This is necessary to follow legislation and to keep workers and the public protected from the risks of fire. You can help to reduce the risk of fire in the workplace.

Tips When Considering Fire Risks

Here are some tips to help you and to provide you with something to think about and work with when considering the fire risks in your premises:

  • Always identify sources of heat in your workplace. You may have equipment that gets hot, heaters, lighting, electrics or substances and materials that heat up.
  • Identify ignition sources and ensure all flammable materials and objects are kept away from these sources.
  • Introduce fire fighting equipment such as extinguishers, fire blankets and sand.
  • Install fire alarms and smoke detectors.
  • Plan escape routes out of the building should a fire break out.
  • Ensure you are meeting legal requirements regarding fire doors, entrances and exits and escape routes.
  • Train all of your employees on how they will escape the property should a fire break out. Perform regular fire drills and ensure all workers know their roles and what they should do in an emergency.

Learn About Your Responsibilities with NEBOSH Fire Safety Training

The NEBOSH Certificate in Fire Safety is a course which will ensure you are competent in performing fire risk assessments. There are three units to complete and each of the units cover a specific area of fire safety. All those who attend the training will leave with a qualification and the skills required, all meeting the legal requirements regarding fire risks. The learning outcomes include:
  • Learning the legal framework
  • Learning about the procedures used to investigate fires
  • Learning about explosions, the principles of ignition and how fires spread
  • How to perform fire risk assessments to introduce control measures and determine the level of risks
  • Create an evacuation procedure
  • Fire prevention
  • Causes of fire and effective control measures

The NEBSOH Fire Certificate is completed by the individuals performing a fire risk assessment at their own place of work. Providing the individual passes the assessment they are rewarded with the qualification from NEBOSH.

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